Addie's Hope

Friday, October 24, 2008

Update on A Bear's health

Well things continue to be a whirlwind around here with health issues. Because A Bear has had 7 ear infections since last Feb. we visited an ENT last week to discuss putting tubes back in this November. We have the surgery scheduled for Nov. 11th but it seems as if we might be cancelling it now (or at least postponing it!) After seeing the pulmonologist this summer, he recemmended that we get A Bear tested for allergies. Well we did that this morning.

All I have to say is that was not fun at all...but it gave us a lot of information about our A Bear. After 3 hours at the allergist' office and 58 pricks (you read that right!), we have found out that she is allergic to many things in the central texas area. She is off the charts allergic to grass (the doctor measured the reaction twice and was stunned) as well as cedar, trees, cats, and on and on. (Praise - no food allergies though!!!)

He recommended that we try to get the allergies under control first before going through with another surgery that is going to scar her eardrum. He feels that if we get the allergies under control then we will not have the ear infections and upper respiratory infections as much or at all anymore. This is encouraging since that is our goal.

Because she still has the cyst in her lung, we are trying to eliminate all infections if possible. The cyst can either disappear into her lung (be reabsorbed) or it can be a pocket for infection.

So our plan of attack - we are going to start her on a daily nose mist and Sudal for flareups. She is also going to be getting WEEKLY allergy shots starting next week. We are going to go in on Halloween since there whole office is going to be Suessville and her allergist loves there will be plenty of that to go around too!

So this afternoon, I am thanking God for a clear direction on the path to getting our A Bear healthy again. God is good and he continues to be good throughout all of this. A Bear was a trooper and behaved like a real champ!

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