Addie's Hope

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Our Little Turkey

Baby E has already been labeled our "little turkey". She had me visit L&D yesterday yet for another time. This weekend I was having trouble breathing. I was just having to work to hard to breath normally. On Sunday, it got better in the evening so we went ahead and went to home church. I was feeling okay but had a rough night. Yesterday morning when dropping off MM at school, I decided that A Bear and I would go into the OB's office to make sure that Baby E was not being effected by this. After sitting in the office for 30 minutes, the staff then decided to tell me that Dr. A was out of the office and so was her nurse. So needless to say I was a little upset because I could have used that time to have someone get A Bear and take her to MOPS for me instead of having her head to L&D with me.
It all worked out though. She just went with me and she was an angel. I decided to call B because I thought if Baby E did decide to come today, I wanted him there. They checked me and got me hooked up to the monitors and we heard Baby E's heart right away. She sounded good. They were a bit concerned because over the period of about an hour, both her heartrate and mine were elevated along with my difficultly breathing. So Dr. D (on call doc) decided to have them run some blood work, as well as an EKG and and a catscan due to the history of bloodclots in our family. He said the worst case scenario was a possible blood clot in my lungs. I was scared to get the catscan because of the radiation and iodine exposure. But Dr. D said that if Baby E would have been born yesterday, she would immediately be getting xrays anyway so he felt that was a risk worth taking. I still was freaked out about the iodine. But B and I decided we needed to know if I had a pulmonary embalism (sp?) because consequently this is what my grandfather died from.
So the tech performed the catscan after wrapping me up like a burrito in a lead vest. She also used only 50 ML of iodine instead of about 125ML and was able to get the picture they needed.
So after waiting what seemed like an eternity, Dr. D finally came in and said that all the tests were clear and he was still unsure of the cause of my labored breathing. Good news but still frustrating. He attributes it to the size of the baby (probably larger than the girls), indigestion, and possible anxiety attacks.
I respect Dr. D and his opinion but I can rule out the indigestion right away. I had not had anything to eat at all and was having a hard time and I also think once you hit your thirties, you know what indigestion is the first time you try to eat the crap you ate as a twenty year old again. So I am anxious to see how big Baby E is and how much biggershe might be then the girls if at all. Also, I probably did have a panic attack or anxiety attack - I am not sure what I would have to be anxious about at this moment!
So after getting off all the monitors and the ivs out, we headed home for some more rest. I am still having trouble breathing but am trying to sit in a position where I can stretch out as much as possible and give her room.

But the best possible news came as we were leaving the hospital!!! B got a call from A Bear's pulmonologist in Austin. We were waiting since last Tuesday for the reading of her xray to see if the cyst from last Fall was still present or not. When we finally got a good report last Fall, they told us that we still needed to watch out for the cyst in her lung that it could either be a pocket for infection to collect in or it could be reabsorbed into her lung. IT IS GONE!!! IT DISAPPEARED!!! God is good!

So now we are just going to sit tight and hope that Baby E makes it at least until December....although Podge thinks she might make her debut on Thanksgiving - that would be fitting for our "little turkey!"

Thanks for the prayers, emails, txts and such.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Oh, K, they are so beautiful! I had no idea that you'd been in and out of the hospital, that is such a scary thing. I've had to go once with Thing 3, and thankfully, everything was fine. I'm so excited about hearing the fabulous news, and I hope and pray that Baby E takes as long as she needs to bake up fully and completely! And yay for good health for all the beautiful girls you have.